Thursdays are our FAVORITE day of the week around here (besides Saturday and Sunday :) because after a long week, we get to enjoy Jed/Dad's company all evening long! This week's weather has been nothing short of spectacular. Mid 70's, partly sunny, today I think it even reached 80! I thought a picnic at a park would be the best way to spend our Thursday evening and it surely was a great time!
I packed a bag full of peanut butter sandwiches, chips, grapes and strawberries for Jed and myself, and some pureed peas for Lainey (her favorite). We met Jed at Colby Park after he got off of work and scoped out a lovely picnic spot.
We decided we should make a habit of this on Thursday nights, picnicking and trying out different parks around town. Anyone have any favorite spots? I bet by the end of the summer we will have hit tons of parks in town and Lainey will be toddling around the playground equipment on her own! We are in for a FUN spring and summer!
I know it's kind of a drive, but Lakewood's play area on Lakewood Dr. is AWESOME (as is Jordan Park:) )