Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I can FINALLY say after many months, multiple brands of bottles and dozens of attempts, Lainey is finally taking a bottle. Evidence shown here:
Lainey figured this out last week JUST in time for me to spend my first night away from her. Some fabulous women from our church organized MOM'S NIGHT OUT and it was a TERRIFIC night! We dined out, hot tubbed, swam, did LOTS of talking and laughing, played games and SLEPT. You'd think we'd have been a little smarter and taken full advantage and gotten LOTS of sleep but we were having too much fun. My room was up WAY past my normal bedtime but it was totally worth it! It was such an encouragement to me as a woman, wife and mom! Huge thanks to Meg Rude and others who were instrumental in organizing this event. And huge thanks to my great husband who had a great attitude about potentially being up all night long if Lainey really missed her Mom. Luckily, he wasn't up ALL night... just a few times but I think they had a nice time together! Unfortunately, I took zero pictures so I will just have to relive the fun memories in my head...

And on an unrelated note...

Is it just me or does Lainey get cuter and cuter every day?
Notice how little miss' pants are too short. All of them are like that - they FIT all over, they're just too short. I'm afraid this is a battle I'll face the rest of her life... Time to move up to 9 month clothes I think. I refuse to do so until she's 6 months on Sunday.And because everyone loves a sleeping baby...
Precious side sleeper... just like her Momma!


  1. that is the cutest video. I don't know why but I think watching babies drink is the cutest thing. Must be how adorable their tiny little mouths are.

  2. Yay Lainey! So glad you got to spend some time for yourself!

  3. I'm going to have to try that bottle. LOVED being in a room with you and staying up WAY TOO LATE! You're just wonderful. Want to pick an afternoon for next week?
