Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Random, random, etc .

 We have been living in the dark ages here in the Johnson house without a working computer for the past several weeks.  Our new one finally arrived today!  Hooray!  So here are 3 new blog posts, bam, bam, bam!
The last time I posted was early September and here we are, with October halfway OVER!  So crazy how quickly this fall season is passing.  I LOVE fall..... makes me sad.  I know what's ahead....cold and SNOW! :(  Here is a completely random assortment of what we've been up to and what's been happening around here...!
This sweet girl is just that ... a girl. She loves all things pretty and sparkly and fancy and PRINCESS.  We do a lot of dressing up around here.
These two just simply ADORE each other!
We were excited to have my sister Emily and her kids, Claire and Will visit us in September.  Thankful that we were in our new house so the kids had room to play and we had extra room for them to stay.  We had a fabulous time!  Managing 4 kids is no easy task, even between my sister and I, day in and day out, but we had so much fun.  It was way too quiet when they left.
Here's that cheesy grin from Wyatt :)  Love it.
I managed to pull off a little surprise for Jed and found him a great bike trailer/jogging stroller on Craig'slist to go with his new hobby of biking.  He was excited but not as excited as Lainey.  She asks DAILY for a bike ride. 
I love my sweet pile of kids.  This was from the night of my 29th birthday. We went out to dinner as a family at a small family owned Italian place down here on the south side and it was so fun. I should have included a picture of the cake that Jed and Lainey baked for me... it was in a bundt cake pan and completely fell apart when they took it out of the pan.  It was hilarious and wonderfully sweet.  Lainey was so proud.  It tasted delicious all the same!
This little buddy has been taking some EPIC naps.  I have been needing to wake him up many nights in time for dinner!  Silly guy!
Here's Wyatt and Will watching their big sissy's play at the park!
   I could usually get the girls to pose and smile nice if I said, "Say cheese for PAPA!"  They LOVE their Papa!
We have started a new weekly event of going to the toddler story time at the downtown library on Friday mornings and then going to Starbucks for treats after :)  I'm not sure who likes it more... the little girls or Bo and I.... :)
Lainey keeps asking to hold Wyatt in her lap lately.  This is hilarious because it makes me realize how little she was when her little bro was born... she was obviously not as verbal and didn't really have a clue as to what was happening.  But now, she's very aware and very verbal and wants him to sit in her lap all of the time but he's nearly as big as she is, so that's the funny part.  I'm sure he will really catch up to her in size in the next year and will certainly surpass her some day!
Phew, if you're still with me, thanks for reading :)  Excited to share all of the lovely day to day happenings of our growing and sweet kids! :)

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