Wednesday, March 30, 2011

10 fingers and 10 toes...

Today we had another doctor's appointment for beanie baby Johnson and we had a big ultrasound too! It was SO wild to see him or her moving around like crazy in there when I only feel it every once in awhile. The ultrasound tech was in FULL support of us not finding out the sex - she said it's way more fun that way... we agree! :) We did go back and forth even on the way to the doctor's office but decided to stay strong and that it will be so worth it in the end to have such a great surprise! She told us the heartbeat was 158 - any guesses? You can vote on the top of the sidebar as to if you think it's a boy or girl!
The ultrasound tech showed us the four chambers of the heart, a bunch of other organs and it's sweet little arms and legs that were flailing around like wildly! She said everything looked great and was measuring right on track - on her paperwork she had my due date as August 3rd - I thought I had been told August 4th but either way, it's pretty much the same and it will still be blazing hot :).
Here are some photos of our little guy or gal...
10 sweet little toes!
Waving goodbye to you all for now!


  1. My little guy was measuring August 3rd... looks like we are in for a fun summer at the pool! I'm glad everything looks great! So excited for you.

  2. Baby J, you look like a cutie! Can't wait to meet you!

  3. Yea! So fun! I'm so glad that your little one in healthy and growing well! Ultrasounds are so fun and amazing!

  4. What a good looking baby! :) For some reason our doctor's office always gives me two due dates as well and I am always confused!
