Thursday, March 12, 2015

Winter Wrap-Up

I do believe that spring has sprung but I haven't blogged in awhile so I'm going to rewind to the snowy, cold and blustery weeks we've just endured to catch up!

Valentine's Day was extra sweet this year.  Lainey got to decorate a Valentine's box for a party at church.  This was one of the highlights of my elementary school experience.  Target had the cutest decorating kits and fancy boxes but we went old school and wrapped her shoe box in a paper sack.  Then I let her loose with the glitter glue and stickers.  She had a ball.

I took her to Target to pick out Valentines for the party and shocker, she went with Frozen.  She's been working on writing so much lately and she signed every single Valentine all  by herself!  She's been writing her name on anything and everything ever since. I can't believe she can spell and write her own name... sniff sniff. I really feel like I'm going to blink and she's going to be off to college.

Dropping off the Valentine's was fun.

Eating a few sweet treats was fun, too!

But the best of all was opening her box full of cards, treats and trinkets from her friends!

We did a "love" and Valentine's theme for our preschool group the week of Valentine's Day too.  The kids loved sorting, counting, graphing and then of course eating little candy hearts as well as doing a craft with them!
On Valentine's Day Jed took Wyatt to teach him a thing or two about how to love his ladies well.  They went shopping for sweet gifts and flowers.  Oh and doughnuts.  They definitely know the way to our hearts! :)

Wyatt needs to hang out with more dudes.  Note his shoe selection.  He does this all on his own but we giggle and encourage him of course.

Tiegan continues to be a sweet sweetie and is smiling all of the time now!

Winter afternoons (or mornings or evenings in her case) are great for naps.  I am thankful that most days I get a significant window of time with all 3 sleeping peacefully.

Lainey is most certainly Tiegan's favorite person.  She talks to her all of the time and their interactions are absolutely precious.  Often she'll say, "I can watch her for you, Mom" (and she DOES)!  When I return she'll say "she was quiet the whole time!" :)  She's ALWAYS willing to fetch diapers or wipes or pick out her clothes for the day.  She is such a little Mommy and I love it. I can tell all of Tiegan's milestones will be exciting for her like they are for me.

We do A LOT of coloring and painting around here.  I like this shot because it shows my righty and my lefty hard at work!

Tiegan is definitely still the most popular person in the house.  They're always crowding around her in the bouncy seat or when she's in the swing.  I've had to start putting her down for naps upstairs to keep them away and more than once I've had to chase after Wyatt up the stairs as he goes to "check baby Tiegan!"

Not much has changed this winter with Wyatt and his love for his trains.  Thanks to my cousin Mike, our collection of wooden tracks has expanded so we have a set upstairs on his train table and I keep a bin of tracks downstairs too.  We play trains, we read about trains, we watch Thomas on IPTV or Netflix, we do train stickers, we listen carefully for the trains that pass not too far from our house, etc.  I hope one of these days we can get the kid on a real train!

Tiegan pretty much lives in her jammies.  It's just been so silly cold that it doesn't make sense to worry about a onesie, pants and socks versus a warm fleece sleeper.  I love putting her in my favorite items that Lainey wore.  This is my not even 3 month old baby snuggled up in a pair of 6 month size pjs.  She's growing TOOOOOO fast!

Winter treated us well this year.  We stayed relatively healthy and enjoyed our many at home days!  I can't say I'm anxious for next winter to come but I am sure there will be sweet memories to be made.

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