Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Weekend fun, visitors and projects

Sheesh, it's already Wednesday and I'm just now posting this... such is life!  We had a really great and busy weekend last weekend and it gives a good picture into our family life right now...

It started with this little Miss sleeping until 7am, which if you've talked to me recently, you know that that is very good.  Much, much better than 5:08 AM, which is her earliest to date :)

These two are LOVING playing together.  Wyatt is obsessed with this Little People zoo.  The zoo animals often wander over the castle next door and we always find a princess or two going down the zoo slide.

Jed was home from work on Friday so I got to take my favorite little girl on a Target date.  We even got to enjoy a bag of popcorn.  She was in heaven.
Buuut too much excitement from that great Target trip lead to her not taking a nap, which then lead to her falling asleep on the couch at 4 pm.  Mommy always wins Lainey... you WILL nap!
We rounded out our day with a family trip to Home Depot.  Been hitting that place a lot lately with lots of house projects to get our house ready to put on the market.  Lainey obviously looks like she knows her way around.

Lainey's beloved "Ma" and "Papa" came down to help us with projects and watching the kiddos.  They always have great surprises in store!

My hard working husband spent the majority of both Saturday and Sunday working on the bathroom floor.  Not having a completely functional bathroom is sure interesting... especially when it's your only one!

Luckily, we were able to take advantage of my parents visiting and we got to go out and celebrate our anniversary Saturday night.  We ate at Sam and Gabe's (YUM!) and really enjoyed our time together.  It was so nice to relax and eat a real meal (and a really, really good one at that!  I'm not kidding, I haven't stopped thinking about the chicken lasagna I had that night.  It was amazing) alone after we've been working so hard for several weeks.

My hard working DAD spent the majority of Saturday and Sunday outside doing what he loves, yard work.  He cleaned up and layed a TON of mulch for us, we are so grateful!

Lainey had big hugs for her Papa on their way out.

Enjoying Papa's yard work!

It was a great weekend!

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